Lua style configuration

Most configuration can be provided in the delegating DNS server. discd queries this DNS server for subdomains and names to listen for. If you don't have full control over the delegating server, you can override or augment the configuration with a local config file.

There is a sample config file in $SYSCONFIDR/discd.lua. For Linux, this is /etc/discd.lua. For FreeBSD, it would be /usr/local/etc/discd.lua. Here, you can override the host and domain name as well as the subdomains for each interface. Some sample configuration is included below. While it might not be obvious, using a Lua language file for configuration provides a lot of flexibility for generating the variables to be read by the discd daemon.

hostname = '' -- only needed to override default
port = {
    -- defaults, not yet implemented
    udp = 53, tcp = 53, tls = 853, llq = 5352, push = 853
certificate = {
    -- looks for letsencrypt certs automatically in the default location by hostname
    crt = '/etc/letsenscrypt/live/',
    key = '/etc/letsenscrypt/live/',
    chain = '/etc/letsenscrypt/live/'
interfaces = {
    -- currently required if no reverse PTR net records
    { name = 'eth0', subdomain = '' },
    { name = 'eth1', disable = true },


LLQ and DNS Push Notifications are not fully implemented.